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Ambika Technologies

Company Profile

We are a small but diverse bunch of web developers graphic designers and creative writers happy to design websites and develop web applications. We make good conversations too!... To Say that IT is vital to the growth of your organization is stating the obvious. The amount of man hours lost on inefficient IT is a huge loss to any organization. After all in this day and age we are only as fast and efficient as our IT infrastructure allows us to be.

Ambika Technologies established in 2013 believes that IT can act as a source of inspiration in an organization.Ambika ensures that IT is not just efficient but also contributes to that intangible asset - employee enthusiasm. After all when IT is quick it is great to work with much like an eager child who's fun to play with. It has the potential to act as a source of excitement and enthusiasm for an employee when he switches on his computer first thing in the morning. It is known fact that slow IT processes are a key contributor to employee stress which in turn affects productivity.

At Ambika Technologies it's not just about ensuring that your infrastructure don't come to standstill we ensure that your entire IT infrastructure moves seamlessly and contributes in a major way towards the growth of your organization. In today's times we believe that can be more than just an edge.

A plaethora of hitech gizmos abundance of sophisticated products variety of choice great offers & prices but no friend to guide through the maze. No experienced & mature person to help us understand the right solution that is the state of affairs at computer stores.


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Mumbai, Maharashtra

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