We are pleased to introduce our estemed company BAWA SOLAR established in 2001 manufacturing and exporting products based on New and Renewable Energy. Our company has a team of engineers who are constantly digging dipper and exploring new methods of conserving electricity and optimizing the use of solar energy.A separate R&D Section which is run under the supervision of Mr. RIPAN KUMAR who also happened to the managing director of the company. Once upon a time it was a distant dream for our country to be self reliant in terms of energy BAWA SOLAR is the out come of his hard work that In past nine years achievements of R&D Department has been praise worthy. He succeeded in optimizing use of LED’s inverters and use of Solar energy for heating and generating electricity Our several products based on LED’ have flooded the market and have established a mile stone in the field of home appliance which are beyond comparison. To ensure a flawless service of our products one and foremost attention is paid towards quality by BAWA SOLAR . In today’s world of scarcity of electrical supply it becomes absolutely essential that we reduce our consumption of electrical load. Earlier Bulbs were being used in the world and in the due course of time CFL stormed the market. Now the invention of LED’s is playing a significant role Soon the world will see the elimination of CFL as it is not only difficult to dispose them off but these are also hazardous to human Our R&D section has been constantly working on SMPS to ensure minimum thermal & electrical related losses in integrated electronics circuit to ensure that the initial pick up load is drastically reduced and that appliance consumes minimum power.We are glad to state that in many of the LED base appliances we have successfully reduce the consumption of electricity up to 90% while maintaining the rated required out put.BAWA SOLAR is also exploring new methods of using Solar Energy for air conditioning generating electricity water heating and cooking food under one appliance’s operation.BAWA SOLAR and its quality management system is certified by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Govt. of India and it conforms with the standard of ISO 9001-2008.BAWA has been also interacting with NGO’s which are actively participating in environmental awareness and conducting experiments in the field of Solar Energy and have distributed home appliances to poor and needy at the cost price .We are pleased to inform that we have been permitted to carry out experiments in the premises of one NGO based in Rajasthan. The area of almost one acre is being used for the above purpose.We supply specially designed and customized products to suit the need without compromising on the theory of reducing electrical loads.Our products and devices have been successfully installed in almost every sort of environment.BAWA SOLAR dreams of a world where depending upon manual energy becomes remote and we use natural resources (solar) to the maximum.
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Jalandhar, Punjab