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Dynamic Water Proofing Engineering

Company Profile

Dynamic Water Proofing & Engineering is a leading name in providing permanent water proofing systems and solution for all types of Industrial Institutional Commercial and Residential projects.

The company undertakes pre and post Injection Grouting Treatments for basement box type kota stone water proofing system Brick Bat Coba water proofing treatments for Terrace sunken portion water proofing treatment and other acrylic and polymer coating for making water resistant system like Carparks Podiums Gardens over basement Roof slabs Terrace Gardens Swimming pools Water proofing treatment by APP Bituminous membrane / Bituminous Felts Dampness treatments and many other solution to suit needs of our clients.

The company is involved in Chemical based water proofing systems where water proofing chemical normally used are of MC Bauchemie make an Indo German company manufacturing products under technical license from MC Bauchemie GMBH Germany.

The Company is also undertaking Bituminous membrane type water proofing mainly in association with Bitunil Cairo Egypt where products like APP Bitumen Membranes are manufactured by M/s. Bitunil Cairo Egypt Bituminous felt Waterproofing systems are in association with Bengal Bitumen India or STP India.

Chemical based Waterproofing system or Bituminous membrane based system have proved to be very effective and have been used depending on the type of problem and solution required.

EPDM Bituminous membrane Self Adhesive Bituminous membrane/PVC Waterproofing membrane are supplied and applied in association with Weirfang  Hangyuan China.



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New Delhi, Delhi

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