We are one of the leading Architectural firms rendering comprehensive services in Architecture Urban Design Civil Interior Designing Landscaping Electrical Air-conditioning and other allied fields. It is always our endeavour to meet Clients' brief fully and satisfactorily by constantly searching for innovative design solutions to suit a particular context in the given frame work of economics climate and site constraints. Emphasis is always given to arrive at an efficient energy saving and eco-friendly design. We have already provided design & consultancy services for more than 1500 projects ranging from individual villas to large scale Residential Institutional Commercial Religious Sports & Industrial Complexes in the State Gujarat and beyond.
HIREN A. GANDHI the founder of the firm is an Architect and Planner from C.E.P.T. Ahmedabad and is the visionary behind the landmark achievement of the firm.
AJIT K. PANDEY Architect - C.E.P.T. Ahmedabad has rich and varied experience working in India and Abroad.
Council of Architecture New Delhi
Indian Institute of Architect (I. I. A.)
Gujarat Institute of Town Planners
Society of Industrial Designers
Gujarat Institute of Civil Engineers & Architects.
Not added
Ahmedabad, Gujarat