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Zero B Products

The Zero B product line includes a wide assortment of water purifiers for individuals and businesses. Many purifiers use reverse osmosis and iodinated resin purification methods. The Zero B purifiers also use activated carbon ozonation and ultra filtration membrane purification techniques.

Zero B offers 16 products that provide over-the-counter under-the-counter wall-mounted models and more. Several of the units do not require electricity. They are all designed to be easy to use and reliable. Some of the Zero B purifiers include:

  • Sapphire- Wall-mounted reverse osmosis water purifier.

  • Intello- Hydro-pneumatic unit that displays exact flow rates and TDS (total dissolved solids).

  • Solar- Non-electric wall-mounted water purifier. A solar cell uses the sun to charge a lithium battery.

  • Ultimate RO– Multi-stage reverse osmosis water purifier for under the counter.

  • Pristine UF– Countertop purifier that uses 5-stage ultra filtration process.

  • Pristine and Ultimate RO– Tabletop reverse osmosis purification.

What Kind Of Contaminants Does Zero B Water Filters Reduce?

There are 4 basic categories of water contaminants including:

Organic such as animal and human waste products.

  • Inorganic like salts metals chlorides minerals fluorides.

  • Micro Biological which includes parasites such as crytosprotidia and giardia.

  • Radiological such as leaking radioactive materials or phosphorus or uranium from mining.

The Zero B water filters dramatically lower the amount of inorganic organic and radiological contaminants in the water. They include a TDS meter that can test for any undissolved materials. The Zero B purified water can be compared to distilled water without the distilled taste.


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Pune, Maharashtra

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