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J.k. Submersible Pump

Company Profile

We J. K. Submersible Pump are an eminent Manufacturer and Supplier of grade-A Pumps and Motors Submersible Pumps Submersible Water Pumps etc which are used for irrigation construction and domestic & Industrial purposes. Working with technological innovation we have been able to assemble high-performing products such as Submersible Pumps Submersible Water Pumps KSV Pumps Self Prime Mono Block and Submersible Pumps. All of these aforesaid products are made of high-grade raw material which makes perfect for future usage. Moreover we make sure to test all the products on various quality constraints to ensure their optimal productivity. Credited by ISO ISI and JAS-ANZ we hold a sign of excellence and credibility in the market.people who are looking for domestic submersible pumps manufacturers we have specialist range of product which is not only having quality but we have guarrenty for running multiple year so people who are looking for submersible pumps they can buy from jk pumps in india.we have our supply unit in indian all state like gujaratrajasthanharyanapunjabutrakhand too.


Agriculture Water PumpsAgriculture water pumps are that kind of pumps which are used for water supply to crop fields or for the purpose of irrigation. Farmers used these pumps for the purpose of delivering water from river ponds to their crop fields or for irrigation purpose. The presentmodern era ofagricultural irrigation is a complex interplay of sustainable energy consumption requiredwater use application of experience and knowledge and considering the market condition in order to ensure best designing ofirrigation applications. Designing best application by considering of these all matters together would add to the development of the farmers. Therefore the continuous research on the topic of new and advanced agriculture irrigation system providing technologically advanced new irrigation applications to serve the farmers best.In the present days the agriculture water pumps comes in technologically advanced wide range from submersible to centrifugal agriculture water pumps and many other type of agriculture water pumps. The types of these pumps are monoblock pumps submersible pumps solar pumps booster pumps and water pumps.These all agriculture water pumps come with electric diesel engine and solar powered motor system.

Moboblock Agricultural water pumpsSubmersible agriculture water pumps Booster agriculture water pumps manufacturerssuppliers and exporters in india

Monoblock Agriculture water PumpsThese sleek shape and size water pumps are demanded most from the users ends. These pumps are really beneficial for use in crop fields as these pumps come with noneed of coupling and baseplate. Therefore these pumps are economically benefitable.

Submersible Agriculture Water Pumps-- These types of submergible pumps are best for agricultural irrigation and come with high level of energy efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Solar Agriculture water PumpsThesepumps are the environment friendly and most cost effective approach for agricultural irrigation.

Booster Agriculture water PumpsThese pumps are best for fulfilling of large volume of water requirement for irrigation purposes.

Established in the year 2009 we have been carrying the hard work to affirm a prominent place in the roots of the industry. A team of experienced professionals works with full dedication and complete each assigned job in the stipulated period. It gives us the space to undertake large projects depending upon the caliber of the team. The business policies being inclined towards ethics and transparency assure clients to deal with us in a crystal clear way. Meanwhile under the able guidance of the mentors Mr. Vijay Kumar and Mr. Rajesh Kumar we are expanding by each passing day.


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Karnal, Haryana

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