MTC Group was started in 1974 as the Mehta Trading Corporation – our focus was bringing quality and dependability to a still growing metal trade in India. Since then we have grown tremendously and evolved our business ethic to include a strategic focus on an economic and responsible usage of resources.
Currently MTC group supplies approximately 100000 MTs of Steel Scrap (on a monthly basis) to over 400 customers from various sectors including like Foundry Engineering and Steel manufacturing. This makes it the largest Ferrous scrap collection & processing company in India. Our foundry division supplies processed & baled scrap to all major foundries. This is managed through 11 collection yards which are spread out over 9 locations. Along with certifications for all relevant local pollution-control Boards the group companies are ISO: 9001-2000 & 14001-2004 certified and OHSAS 18000 Certified. It is mandatory for all employees to meet the stipulated safety regulations. We take special precaution to ensure that safety is always put first.
MTC has full-fledged yards in convenient well-connected locations. Our yards are equipped with the required machinery like Hydraulic Baling Press Machines Shearing Machines Hydras Spectrometers Cranes Magnets Heavy-duty trucks and large storage and processing areas. Our companies regularly collect scrap generated from major OEMs and steel plants and bring them to the yards for further processing based on the specified customization which may differ from client to client.
By leveraging our ever-growing knowledge base and talented team we have not only been able to diversify in to new forays of synergistic growth such as manufacturing but also in to entirely new business areas such as Auto retail through collaborations with prestigious multinational automobile manufacturers. As the Group has expanded the baton of leadership has been passed to entrepreneurial visionaries who have worked tirelessly to balance the vision of the Company with a contemporary work ethic.
From small scale operations in India we now have international officesin the USA UK Africa and UAE for procurement of ferrous non-ferrous scrap and ferro-alloys.
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Pune, Maharashtra