PCM Power Trading Corporation Limited is promoted by PCM Group Of Industries one of the largest Group in Eastern India with focus to undertake power trading in vibrant Power market of the country. The company incorporated in October 2009 has an expert team of professionals to promote power trading. Experienced professionals from power sector well conversant with the power market and power system economics are providing valuable advice to promote power trading by the company. PCM power trading has requisite manpower in its team having necessary skills and experience in power sector to handle the power trading operations on large scale.
The promoters of the company PCM Group has vivid interests in field of Railway sleepers Pole Manufacturing Real estate Tea processing and plantation and Media.
Its one allied company PCM Cement Concrete Pvt Ltd has drawn International attention in field of manufacturing Railway sleepers. This group has also ventured in power generation with its allied company PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited which has been allocated the project site for launching two mini Hydel projects in North Bengal.
As of date the country as a whole experience a peak deficit of 13.8% and energy deficit of 11.3 %. The growth of power sector is about 9% and in spite of sufficient capacity addition in the 11th and the 12th plan Northern and the Western region will be experiencing short fall of power. Eastern and North Eastern region having considerable Coal reserve and Hydel potential will provide surplus power which may be utilized successful to bridge the gap in the demand of the deficit region by way of rational trading. Apart from mega projects and super thermal power projects surplus power may be available from the small captive thermal power plants and from mini Hydel plants. In fact in the Sub-Himalayan region of West Bengal Sikkim and Northeast many small Hydel power plants are being developed and therefore there is huge potential for power trading which we would be looking forward to tap once granted the power trading licence.
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Siliguri, West Bengal