Pis a new generation socially responsive organisation formed by a group of competent professionals from diverse fields with the specialised technical and management background with proven work record in eminent organizations.
PAN also works with corporate and non-corporate organisations to improve their management capacity and competitiveness.
PAN is proud to be a partner of the Global Water Partnership and committed to represent all stakeholders in sustainable water management through Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM).
PAN works in:
*Natural Resource Management: Watershed Management Wetland Management Wasteland Development land use management.
Development Planning: Urban and rural planning; provides specialised GIS services for macro and micro level resource planning and spatial decision support systems.
Institutional Development: Organisation design for better delivery mechanism HR and IR for improved workplace functioning greater commitment and higher employee performan
Capacity building: Skill development Training for watershed management water harvesting manpower development incorporation of IT tools and techniques and work method improvements.
GIS Services: PAN provides Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing Services for development planning and project management as well as for Business Planning such as marketing plan better locations for outlets and warehouses better logistics in ever changing market scenario.
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Kolkata, West Bengal