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Perfect Services

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A signage is necessary to maintain employee safety and awareness at the workplace.For peopleworking in chemical and machinery environments cautionary and warning signs are an absolutemust. In an office retail or other organisation information is provided to the visitors as well as thestaff. Perfect Services has been creating Safety Signage/posters & graphics products from thelast 25 years.

We are pleased to introduce ourselves as one of the leading designer and manufacturer of SafetyPromotional items viz.- SAFETY SLOGAN POSTERS- SAFETY SLOGAN STICKERS / PVC PLACARDS- SAFETY DECALS / SIGNS / WALL HANGINGS- FIRST AID CHARTS- SAFETY SLOGAN BANNERS / BANTINGS- PHOTOLUMINESCENT FIRE SIGNS- REFLECTIVE SIGNS (ROAD SIGNS)- CAUTION/ DANGER/ WARNING SIGNS- CELEBRATION MATERIAL FOR SAFETY/ENVIRONMENT DAY- STATIONERY/GIFT items with Safety Slogans- PVCACRYLICALUMINIUM SIGNS/CUTOUTS ETC. We also offer a variety of Self Adhesive Stickers Labels and tags for your products.Our company has built a reputation on providing quality experience and good workmanship to itsmany customers. We provide excellent quality signage and decals to companies that require ourproducts and services .Since last 5 years we are also exporting to Europe.

Today our clients span a wide range of private /government/ public industry and buildings thatdepend on well-designed signs and posters to inform/warn/protect their employees and customers.Through our sign industry experience the insight gained through understanding the needs andrequirements of our customers and continuing to invest in new technologies we ensure they continueto offer the breadth of product the levels of service and the over riding commitment to quality andinnovation we have demonstrated over the last 20 years. We engage in a continuous improvement programme which provides our customers with a reliableproduct quality delivery and service at competitive prices.Our products and service are a superior mix of quality and affordability while the company’s flexibilityand infrastructure allow us to supply to a wide variety of customers.
We here at PERFECT SERVICES look forward to provide the highest degree of customer satisfactionthrough the quality of our products the experience of our staff and our workmanship.


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New Delhi, Delhi

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