We import develop and distribute different types of voice logger equipment and solutions. Voice Logger India believes in rendering the best services to the client at the most convenient way. Since 14 years we have been providing the best technical voice logger solutions. Our hardware quality is unmatched and easy to use softwares will never disappoint you. The uniqueness of our services will help every client stand out in the clutter in today’s market.
Our voice logger are produced using high standard of technology. Our software/GUI is ‘EASY TO USE’. We have dedicated team of engineers for technical support.
Product Profile:
Korecall Analog USB/PCI Phone Recorder. We have different models as per the number of lines supported. 1/2/4/8/16/32 Line Korecall Phone Recording System
Korecall Voicemail with Recorder – We have 1 to 4 line PC Based Analog Voicemail with Call Recorder
Korecall Standalone Voice Logger – We have 1/8/16 line standalone Voice Logger
Korecall PRI Voice Logger (Linux Based Solution - Asterisk)
Why Korecall:
Qualified Technical support team
Robust top quality hardware
Feature rich stable flexible solution
Fair Pricing
Exclusive Voice Logger company
Call Centers BPOs Stock Broking firms Corporates Hospitals Hotels ResortsManufacturers Marketing Companies Consultants Professionals etc.
Not added
Ahmedabad, Gujarat