Our company name isSS Patwa Project Management Services. We evaluate your projects and highlighting all details of your projects generates sales for your projects.
We give you services for sale and eventually you will do away with your sales staff.
Our staff will do all as your staffs do like going to all potential clients giving them all details. You also require paying brokerages even if you have staff. Here only 2% of brokerages will take care of all your marketing expenses. (Site establishment and its maintenance will be on you).
We check or provide services through our associates for checking and evalauating properties for quality of material being used technolies being adopted green ratings construction carried our as per approved plan and permissions. Similarly titles are checked for record of rights property cards sucessions lien mortgages though our asscoiated advocates. We also arrange through our associated advocates drafting of documents as per agreed terms or M O U and exeduting registered sale or rentals.
We believe advising our clients in selling matured properties to direct potential users and arrange them purchasing new high growth properties in outskirts of metros.
Currently we have servicews active in Ahmedabad and surroundings.
Our organisation is small and precise especially for NRI customers.
We also have our ProertyGuardian services.
Not added
Ahmedabad, Gujarat