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Star Computer Education

Company Profile

We take up and participate in small and big projects related to Skill Development & Training computer education Vocational education and employment based training programs in association with corporate and government sector. We publish Help Journals to make people aware and encourage them to mix with the computer literate world and keep them update with the latest techniques in the field of computer technology and technology based business prospects Our training programs are designed to cater to future requirements in the field of satellite communication and other industries where the requirement of computer trained manpower is necessary. We aim to continue to be the part and parcel of the global development in science and technology with exclusive emphasis on computer based technology. We shall empower the new manpower requirement with computer based skills. It caters to the global advancement through technology.

  • To provide the best possible Professional & Technical education to ambitious young men and women all over India through free computer education program aspiring to take up executive positions in the managerial and technical cadre.
  • To develop appropriate managerial and technical expertise and skills to face the emerging competitive situation in India and abroad.
  • To promote national sufficiency and to build up the I economic strength of the country.
  • To promote the social and moral well being of the community and to mitigate the privations and hardships of it’s less favored sections.
  • To draw out the available unused time energy and other resources of the people and direct into various fields of social and economical activities.
  • To give them exposure to the prevailing business environment in India and abroad.
  • The STAR Education Center Institute seeks to groom young technocrats to combine the use of technical skills with an understanding of the socio-cultural system to emerge as leaders in their respective fields of endeavor and make significant contribution through better management in all sectors of the economy and society.
  • To develop a professional mind-set comprising a confident self-image creativity innovativeness leadership high commitment sensitivity and dynamism so as to be able to imbibe appropriate technology and management styles for practice of management.
  • To find and develop avenues of voluntary service for the citizens of India.


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Jhalawar, Rajasthan

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