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Swiss Biotec

Company Profile

Swiss Biotec was launched as a marketing firm in July 1998. With the able guidance of its director tireless and sincere work of field staff soon it became a formidable force. Then in India a wave of Yoga and Ayurveda came. Everyone including health professionals took great interest in Yoga and alternative medicine. Big pharma companies started distributing Baba Ramdev Yoga CDs to doctors and chemists. At that time we at Swiss Biotec decided to come up with our own Ayurvedic Manufacturing Unit with the sole objective of exploring scientific basis for Ayurvedic Medicine and creating a better understanding of Ayurveda among health-care providers and consumers.

Ayurveda is the knowledge of life. This science originated from India more than 5000 years ago and was part of the knowledge recorded in the Vedic scriptures. The Vedas (the term “Veda” in Sanskrit is knowledge or science) are the world's oldest available classics and ancient Indian books of knowledge. They provide guidance on all aspects of life—from engineering and town planning to philosophy and spirituality. These truths are as relevant today as they were in 5000 BC India since the knowledge they contain is universal.

At Swiss Biotec we manufacture Ayurvedic products whose formulations are picked up from ancient Ayurvedic texts conceived and developed by the seers (rishis) and natural scientists through centuries of observations experiments discussions and meditations. All these products are result oriented
We have explored pharmacology of various ingredients of our formulations and we are also providing PHARMACOGNOSY CONSULTING SERVICES i.e. we provide scientific information on herbal remedies and dietary supplements to consumers manufacturers and medicos also.

Quality of Ayurvedic Formulas:
In order to ensure the quality of Ayurvedic formulas the Govt. of India Ministry of Health amended the Drugs and Cosmetic Act of 1940 to include Ayurvedic Drugs (Ayurvedic herbs and herbal formulas). The act requires the raw materials to be genuine and adequately identified the formulas must contain ingredients listed on the label and manufacturing must be conducted under prescribed good manufacturing practices (GMP) conditions. Swiss Biotec has its own GMP certified unit and all the conditions are followed.

At last we just want to give a message:
Our self-imposed distance from our natural surroundings is the main cause of the general malaise and dissatisfaction that we feel in our lives. Life feels like a constant struggle as we continue to ignore natural laws of existence rather than living in accordance with them.

Ayurveda helps us to understand the world we live in and gives us the tools to live in harmony with it for achieving our goals. By following Ayurveda we can create a tailor-made lifestyle uniquely suited to us—including the right diet exercise meditation and activities that nourish us completely.


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Abohar, Punjab

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