When I was a school kid I still remember my passion for soccer. We wanted to play this beautiful game. Our first need was a TEAM. I along with my friends persuaded our peers and friends to join us. As time went by we had played a few Under 19 tournaments. The meager exposure we had often inspired us to share and teach some of the basic skills of the game to our juniors. This trait soon helped me to be popular and win the trust of many youngsters waiting eagerly to learn and play the game. It was then the first seed was sown and I felt happy to share my skill as and when it was the need of the hour. It was a very natural transition from a player to a Coach.
To sustain this passion fuelled activity we charged fees. After graduation to earn a livelihood I set up a store ‘Unity Sports’ selling sports merchandise. My business brought me closer to schools and young enthusiastic soccer players. I soon started coaching camps and the seeds of Broda Football Academy were sown.
The mission of Baroda Football Academy would not have been complete without the support of Mr. B.K. Bhowmik – a popular figure in Indian football and Mr. Dharmesh Patel – Gujarat’s only player to play in country’s top league – the I-League…
Within a short span the All India Football Federation accredited us with the required Coaching license. The accreditation broadened our horizon. Our coaching camps started imbibing the hues of professional training as we sharpened our own skills while imparting the same. We hired Sr. players discussed our coaching methods and started imparting organized training to school children in the best form.
In over a decade we are proud to have registered 3015 players. Today we have around 300 junior members in U-6 to U-14 year category and 200 players in U-16 to U-21year category in our club/academy. Without their support and presence our march ahead would be insignificant. Last but not the least I am humbled and wish to thank the parents of our team for their unflinching support and immense trust showered on us at all junctures.
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Vadodara, Gujarat